Friday, April 29, 2011

"Just wait 'til you see her."

I don't know about y'all but I could absolutely OD on these Royal nuptials. If you were like me and spent the better part of your early morning/late evening in a wedding stupor then you're probably experiencing some serious after affects. Like the fact that you just witnessed the ending to a picture perfect Disney movie featuring the handsome Prince and his flawless Princess or even more impressive that her composure under pressure was nothing short of other worldly. Either way, it was pure magic. I am so glad that I had the opportunity of watching it in real time and reacting to it as it was playing out. She was lovely, the wedding was perfect and I will remember it always.

So here's to the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge and their happily ever after...


  1. Love. Everything about it. I loved it all. She was stunning, he was smitten, the details were flawless....she was made for royalty. I adore them together. And Harry as she walked down the aisle...then William telling her she was favorite part of the day.

  2. I am "amen-ing" and fist pumping all over this blog post. I loved the entire thing. Every second of it since I started watching my DVRed version at 4:30 this morning! (and... let's be clear, I was texting T-Rog at like 4:31am). :)
