Wednesday, November 12, 2008


In his first post-Election Day interview, President Bush was asked several questions about his Presidency. The interview covered regrets, proudest moments and what the future holds for soon-to-be former President Bush.

CNN: So, after all of this, what is next for you?

Bush: I'll probably get back and take a deep breath. I haven't had much time to really settle down and figure out what life's going be like after this. I know I'm going be in Texas. No doubt I'm heading straight home. I miss Texas. I love Texas. I've got lots of friends in Texas. I will probably write a book...And other than that, I'm not quite sure yet.

God bless Texas.


  1. I.Love.W.

    And Texas!

  2. It's God's Country!

  3. I can't wait to learn what the moment was like in the Oval Office.
